Unclaimed Money at the IRD: Your Guide to Reclaiming Forgotten Funds

Discovering unclaimed money can feel like striking gold. In New Zealand, the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) safeguards unclaimed funds, offering a valuable resource for those who may have forgotten about their assets.
Unclaimed money includes dormant or forgotten funds from bank accounts, insurance payouts, share dividends, wages, and tax refunds. If you believe you had Bonus Bonds, this is where you can check, especially since the Bonus Bond Trust was wound up in 2020 - https://www.ird.govt.nz/unclaimedmoney/claiming-unclaimed-money/search-the-database
The IRD keeps track of unclaimed money and works to reunite it with its rightful owners after a period of dormancy.
To reclaim your funds, visit the IRD website and use their online search tool. You'll need to provide necessary documentation to prove your identity and submit a claim. Make sure your contact information is up-to-date to receive notifications.
Your RuralCA Client Manager is also available to assist you in reclaiming your unclaimed money.
Don't let your forgotten funds stay hidden. Start your search today!