Washing Hands a Top Priority - Supporting Our Team with Covid-19

We are taking a cautious yet considered approach to how we deal with the threat of Covid-19 or Corona Virus here at Rural Accountants. Our aim is to maintain open communications so that everyone understands the precautions they can take.
As part of this process, we have circulated a list of suggestions around how to minimise the risk of infection and the steps you can take to protect yourself from catching this terrible virus. We also note that those most at risk are the elderly or people with a compromised immune system so any steps we take to protect ourselves will also help to protect others too.
Here are some precautions you could consider:
- Wash your hands often and for at least 20 seconds then dry with a towel or paper towel.
- DON'T TOUCH YOUR FACE! This is the quickest way to transfer any sort of infection as bacteria adheres to our hands and then enters our bodies through our nose or mouth. This is a tough one but also shows how important it is to wash your hands regularly.
- Hand sanitiser - essential if you don't have access to soap & running water eg. if you are out and about or camping.
- Cover your mouth with the crook of your elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
- Get a flu jab - any sort of illness this winter will compromise your immune system so take the steps you need to protect yourself now.
- Check your emergency kit is well stocked and you have enough basic supplies if you had to stay at home for a week or more.
- Stay at home if you are unwell - you're not helping anyone by coming into work with a cough or cold.
- Maybe reconsider your attendence at large events this flu season.
- Keep your desk area clean and empty your bin of tissues before you leave.
Minimising the spread of any virus is important to keep everyone safe - not only you but also your family, friends and local community.
Let's help to take care of each other this coming flu season.